The Wendy James Band – Wedgewood Rooms

The Wendy James Group Wedgewood Rooms

By this point in the year, I’d usually have been to the Wedgewood Rooms more times than I’d a chance to review. Take that back to a younger Mr Teeth and there was barely enough time to sleep before returning to my second home.

Alas, being at the Wendy James Band is but only my 3rd Wedgewood Rooms visit since the Dub Pistols back in 2020. Yet here I find myself standing, not seated awaiting table service, venturing to the revamped bar to gather my own pint of the black stuff.

It feels weird, but perfectly normal, for a moment the effects of Covid-19 becoming a (not so) distant memory. However, one thing is apparent. Tonight’s show has been postponed since I can’t remember when as a result of the pandemic, but for some reason the ex-Transvision Vamp singer is performing to a disconcertingly quiet venue. Something I can’t help but think indicates not everyone is quite ready to return to regular nights out quite yet.

The Wendy James Group Review

The Wendy James Band – Wedgewood Rooms

Officially the long-awaited Wendy James gig was in support of her latest album “Queen High Straight”. Albeit the 20-track long-player having been released over a year ago in the midst of lockdown. As such, there was understandably a need for the new release to be plugged, as well as throwing in a number of old classics.

Although the opening number was that of “You’re a Dirtbomb, Lester” from one of James’ previous solo albums. This would follow with the singer being in a reminiscent mood, coming out with more than the occasional name-drop and anecdote.

There was also a Transvision Vamp tune put in early on too, with “I Want Your Love” given a very punky edge. Yet, the Wendy James Band aren’t really punk, nor are they one there merely as a backdrop to Wendy’s pin-up status.

In fact, these are an incredibly tight bunch of young lads who stand out in their own right. Having seen the Wendy James Band once before (supporting the Psychedelic Furs) it was obvious this was very much a team effort. Transvision Vamp may have been big in the charts during the 80’s but now there’s a 70’s vibe about the stage, giving the much-loved singles a new lease of life.

Queen High Straight

Meanwhile, tracks from “Queen High Straight” switch between romantically poppy to full-on prog-rock epics. Songs in which hair, flares and guitars are swirling around the Wedgewood Rooms in equal measure.

Then there was the Bob Dylan cover (“Crawl Out Your Window”) and a couple from Wendy’s brief career with indie-rock group Racine. However, the run-in towards the end of the show was one that would please any diehard fan.

After all, the ex-Transvision Vamp frontwoman was never going to get away with leaving out the likes of “If Looks Could Kill” or “Tell That Girl to Shut Up”. As for the encore, two more hits were pulled out of the bag. “Bad Valentine” first and then the most obvious, ending the night on an incredible rendition of “Baby I Don’t Care”.

Getting to review the Wendy James Band at the Wedgewood Rooms was as great as the night itself. Although when the next one comes along, here’s hoping for a better turnout… but on a personal level, it was kind of a nice way to start getting back to normality.

The Wendy James Group

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